Back At Home In Chilliwack

Last modified on December 4th, 2009

Yesterday was a long day. I left the resort at around 11am, which is 7am PST, and spent the next 14 hours or so travelling back home. The flight from Punta Cana to Calgary was around 7 hours, after which we sat at the airport for over an hour waiting for the next leg of the flight. The flight to Vancouver was a little over and hour, and then my dad and I headed back to Chilliwack, arriving around 11:30pm I believe.

It was around 31C when I left Punta Cana, and around -2C when I got back to Chilliwack, so obviously that’s a pretty noticeable temperature difference. I had a really good sleep in my own bed, but unfortunately due to the time change was up around 6am. I’ve basically been doing errands most of the day. I woke up this morning to a bit of snow on the ground, which was kind of nice to be honest, and helped jump start my Christmas spirit.

Tonight I’m just going to take it easy at home and try to set my Christmas tree up. I’ve been running around all morning doing errands, and thankfully I now have groceries again. I’m getting my haircut in a bit, and then meeting my mom for lunch. I’ve already done three loads of laundry, so hopefully I’ve removed all that Dominican ass smell from everything. While I’ve grown used to it, a few people have asked pointed out how tanned I am, so I imagine I look a bit out of place here.

The new wine and liquor store in my complex just opened up, and I strolled down. I’ll do a post about it later, but it looks pretty nice, and they’ve set the whole place up such that wine tastings are going to be easy. Garrison Crossing is really shaping up to be a trendy place for 30 somethings, and I’m looking forward to seeing how much cooler it’s going to get as the rest of Garrison Village fills out. As for me, I picked up enough groceries to make a nice lasagna tonight, and a nice bottle of Pinot Noir to go with it. So I’ll be just chilling at home eating lasagna and setting up the tree.

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