Duane Reduction Program

Last modified on May 8th, 2007

A few blog posts ago, I mentioned that I was going to do my best to return back to my pre-last-relationship weight. To that end, I have spent the last week hitting the gym from time to time and attempting to watch what I eat. The first week has been a bit rocky, and I hit a few tasty speed bumps at Rebecca’s Cinqo de Mayo party, but for the most part I’ve been on track. Since my life is a bit crazy thesedays, it’s challenging for me to always have access to “healthy” food, but I’ve been doing the best I can.

So without further ado, the progress after week #1 is (RSS drum roll please):

5.5 lbs

Now, I know as well as everyone else that it’s basically impossible to lose more than about two pounds a week of real fat. So, undoubtedly a huge chunk of that weight is water (since the body drops water as it burns through the liver’s glycogen reserves). However, I am still down that weight, and it’s a pretty good motivator to see that fall off the scale right away. The week of my surgery should be a pretty good one, since it’s likely that I won’t eat for about 36 – 48 hours with the surgery prerequisites and the token nausea thanks to the general anesthetic. Plus, I’ll spend the week after surgery working from home, which thankfully means I can cook all my meals and eat without any peer pressure.

I’m probably going to switch my weekly check-ins to Fridays, since something always seems to happen on the weekend to sort of wreck the Monday check-in. But once I resync I’ll try to keep everything regular.

The next milestones (with names that probably only make sense to me right now), in descending order are:

  1. Lost In Translation
  2. The Great Barrier
  3. Fight Club
  4. 50 First Dates

You guys can guess what they mean (it’s actually more fun that way), but I’ll explain each one as I blast past it over the next month or two.

4 responses to “Duane Reduction Program”

  1. Tom says:

    Well done buddy, keep it up.

  2. Kasia says:

    Way to go, Duaner! I’m going to take a shot at your first milestone and say… You’re taking Polish lessons!?! The last one is easy – you’re going to try speed dating!

  3. Keira says:

    Congrats, my friend – keep up the good work!

  4. mel says:

    5.5 pounds! Damn you… I haven’t shed a pound! It’s been, what, 2 months now since I ‘upped’ my activity and started watching what I eat! Damn you.

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