Migratory, Once Again

Last modified on August 26th, 2011

I spent last night packing up everything I took out of storage at the end of April. In a few hours my brother-in-law will show up and help me load everything up into his truck, and we’ll head back to Chilliwack together. Once my items are in storage, probably around noon sometime, I’ll officially be homeless and in migratory mode again. And at that point, I’ll finally get a chance to relax a bit after a fairly exhausting week.

I’m scheduled to fly out on Wednesday afternoon, stopping briefly in Tokyo, and ultimately ending up in Bangkok after about 17 hours of flying. I get to have a quick sleep at a hotel near the airport, then wake up early in the morning for another quick flight to Ko Samui. All in all it’s about 36 hours of traveling before I arrive at my final destination, so I’m likely to be a bit tired. But hopefully I’ll meet up with Scott and Sam shortly afterwards and get to nurse my jet lag with some warm Pad Thai and some cold beer.

Given that I’m heading to New Zealand afterwards, I’ve been trying to pack for that trip as well. But the climates are fairly dissimilar, which is making it challenging given the suitcase I wanted to bring. I’m probably going to pack mostly for Thailand, and simply plan to buy a few warmer items in New Zealand when I arrive. I’ve also been told that clothes in Thailand are dirt cheap, so I think I’m going to ditch my mid-sized suitcase back in Chilliwack and grab a full-sized one instead (so I can buy a pile of clothes there and bring them with me to New Zealand).

For those that are interested, I’m going to be writing mainly on my travel website, Migratory Nerd, going forward. I’ll still post the odd technology entry here, but travel is what interests me lately, and all those entries will end up over there. I’m bringing some new technology with me on this journey, so I’m hoping to be able to pull off a lot more photographs (I’m bringing a 17-50 f/2.8 zoom and a 50mm f/1.4 prime, far more versatile than the 28mm I took to Buenos Aires), as well as some high definition video on my trip. I’m also bringing my Olympus E-PL2 micro four-thirds camera and my 20mm f/1.7 lens, which is a great lens for street/bar photography.

So only a few more sleeps to go, and then it’s wheels up again. I’ll miss Canada and all my friends and family I’m sure, but I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the beaches of Thailand, and the wondrous landscape that is New Zealand.

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