The Tweetup And Another Week

Last modified on August 29th, 2009

Last night’s tweetup was a ton of fun, so thanks to everyone for coming out. I crashed at a friend’s place in Vancouver last night, and came back to Chilliwack around noon today. Unfortunately, someone drove a tractor over my head sometime in the middle of the night, and I had a nice headache for most of the day. I ended up crawling into bed around 1:30pm when I got home, and somehow slept until around suppertime. Given that my fridge was pretty empty, I decided to order some pizza and spend the evening watching a few movies from the couch.

I’m not sure what the weather will be like later this week, but I’ve booked a site up at a campground for next weekend. I’m hoping there will be at least a few days of sunshine so I can go chill out next to a picnic table. Unlike last time, this time I’m going to leave the computer at home and simply enjoy some time outside reading a few books.

I also made a small update to the fonts on this site, mainly because I wanted to experiment with some non web-safe font techniques. The font on this site is generated using Cufon.

3 responses to “The Tweetup And Another Week”

  1. FuzzyDave says:

    Sorry I couldn’t make it Duane! Hope you guys had alot of fun…

  2. Tyler says:

    So what it takes is an original font you have TTF or OTF and converts it to their own proprietary format and then generates some javascript code so you can use that font safely on the web between platforms? Sounds pretty cool, are you using it for your post headers/titles?

  3. Duane Storey says:

    Yes, it’s using it for the post headers. It uses SVG on older browsers and HTML5 canvas on newer browsers. Only disadvantage is your can’t cut and paste yet with it, but a solution to that is forthcoming I believe.

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