Tag: Chat Posts

Lazy Weekend + BuddyPress


I spent yesterday mostly sitting around and watching movies, which was a nice change from the norm. I also started work on a new BuddyPress Chat plugin that will allow user-user chatting, similar to Facebook style. When I was down in San Francisco at WordCamp, I told Andy Peatling that I really wanted to contribute something to BuddyPress if I could, so I thought a chat feature might be a cool feature. I still have a ways to go, but I have the code which takes a user from “Offline” to “Online” chat status working now. Next step will be to display a list of Online friends, and then obviously open up a small chat window to allow chatting with them. As you can see, I’ve also planned out a History section, so you can see your past conversations. I’ve also debated how to do group chats, which I think […]