Tag: clusterfuck Posts

Round and round she goes…


When I left for Chilliwack on the weekend, I accidentally left my phone sitting on my bed back in Vancouver. Considering I was only going for a day, I didn’t real think that much of it, and checked my messages from Chilliwack on Saturday night. When I got back to Vancouver yesterday evening, my phone was dead, so I simply plugged it into the wall and went to sleep. Unfortunately, upon checking my messages today, I realized that I had missed a call yesterday from my plastic surgeon saying that they couldn’t perform surgery on Thursday, and that they wanted to bring me in and do it today. By the time I got the message, it was too late to do anything about it. So, I will have to wait at least two weeks for the next round of surgery, possibly even three weeks. Obviously I’m pretty bummed. I really […]

Clusterfuck in the O.R.


As most of you know, I have been waiting anxiously to have my surgery performed down at St. Paul’s. About two weeks ago, I had a meeting at the hospital with my surgeon (where I sat and waited for three hours just to sign a few forms) where we discussed the surgery date (which was supposed to be this week), and a few of the details. I called last Thursday to try and nail down an exact date, but they said they wouldn’t be able to give me one. So today, I called down to the doctor’s office to find out what was going on. I was told that for some reason, nobody even submitted my name into the queue for surgery, so I’m been sitting around waiting for no reason. Somebody screwed up. Again. The next obvious option is to put me on the list for next week, which […]