Tag: comments Posts

WordTwit Test Post


I’m updating WordTwit right now to be able to show responses to Tweets in a blog post. A use case for this would be someone asking a question on Twitter related to a particular blog post, and wanting to incorporate Twitter feedback to that question into a post. Hopefully in a few minutes you’ll start to see some tweets show up here. [wordtwit status=”1317970082″]

Nothing To Say


I was going to post a big blog entry this morning, but then I realized I really have nothing to say. So, I figured I’d turn the tables a bit and see if any of my readers want to say anything. Feel free to go to town in the comments. Tell a story, do a dance, whatever you feel like! Tell everyone what’s on your mind, or what the best part of your day was so far. If you’ve never commented before, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone.

Don't Be A Soccer Ball, Go Get A Gravatar


I’ve had gravatars on this site a few times over the last few years, but they always seem to disappear whenever I do a retheming. I’ve added them back in the comments and also added the last comment to the main page along with a gravatar. If you don’t have a photo next to your name when you comment, that means you don’t have a public gravatar available. If you want one, head over to Gravatar.com and sign up. It’s free, and as soon as you add your photo to it you will start noticing it automatically show up on various sites around the internet. If you don’t define one you’re going to end up as that stupid soccer ball from Windows on this site. And who wants to be the stupid Windows ball? Feel free to drop a comment to test out if your Gravatar is working. If you’ve […]