Tag: doctors Posts

Test Results Are Back


A few weeks ago I went into the doctor’s office to get a pile of tests done on myself. For those of you that remember, last year I came down with a clostridium difficile infection, which is a superbug that typically only affects people who end up in hospitals on broad spectrum antibiotics. When I was in the hospital last year with pneumonia, I ended up getting it, and it was a very nasty experience that took three rounds of antibiotics to get rid of. That being said, my stomach has never really been the same, and I frequently have an upset stomach or cramps still. Since C. Diff. has about a 30% recurrence rate (that is, in 30% of people who are cured, it usually comes back), I wanted to get another round of tests to make sure it hadn’t returned. Also, since C. Diff typically only affects older […]

Cholesterol Drugs Now Safe For Kids!


Yes, it’s true. Recent research says kids as young as eight years old can now safely go on cholesterol lowering medication! Man, I can’t believe they are seriously pushing that. Yes, overweight kids probably have high cholesterol, but let’s focus on a solution, not a patch. Most people would probably be surprised to know that the whole science of cholesterol is pretty weak. Lots of people live their whole lives with high cholesterol and never experience any problems, and some people with low cholesterol can be in danger for a heart attack. In fact, the whole science of cholesterol (LDL, HDL, triglycerides, etc.) is so over-simplified that it’s basically useless as a mainstream medical concept. For example, some forms of LDL (the BAD cholesterol), aren’t that bad for you, and only a very specific kind, known as VLDL (very low density lipoprotein), actually contributes to heart disease. This form typically […]

Monday Morning + Facebook


I’m currently at the internet cafe on Davie street killing some time waiting for a Dr’s appointment next door. I’ve been waiting for some test results from that whole stupid bacterial infection thing I got in the hospital last year. Not really sure what’s going to happen there. Tonight I’m also the official photographer for the Facebook Developer Meetup down at the Vancouver Film School. Rebecca (aka Miss604) will be down there doing the official live-blog, so make sure you check it out if you want to follow remotely. I’m looking forward to taking it easy next weekend. One of the things I’m historically not very good at is saying no to people. Lately I’ve been involved in so many things that I’m starting to feel spread a little thin. I’m not sure what I’ll end up doing next weekend, but I’m probably going to turn my cell phone off […]