Tag: insomnia Posts

Lots of Sleep


I ended up doing a bunch of work on Saturday night, and just hung out close to home. A quick twitter by me saying I was going to have a few casual drinks at my place led to Dave showing up for a few beers. After that, we went down to the Six Acres to meet up with Trevor, and then ultimately over to Matt’s house for a few quick drinks. When I got home that night, I realized just how tired I was. I passed out on the couch around 4am, and quite literally woke up sometime around 5pm last night. I got up here and there to answer my phone and check email, but I just couldn’t force my body to wake up. Last night I put a movie on, and then curled up on the couch with a blanket. About half way through the movie, I turned […]

Oh Sleep, How I Miss Thee


I’ve hardly slept at all this last week, and I feel like absolute garbage. I don’t know what my problem is, but I spend most nights just tossing and turning. They had a bunch of free liquor at work today and I could hardly bear the thought of drinking any of it because I was so bagged. I got home tonight and promptly passed out on the couch. Of course, given my stupid body, I woke up every 30 minutes or so, and didn’t really get any rest. I’ll be honest — the only time I’ve had a decent sleep in the last year is when I was pounding back Oxycontin tablets after my first surgery. It was the first time in ages I remember putting my head on the pillow and just falling into a deep sleep for more than a few hours at a time. To be honest, […]

Knock Out


I haven’t been sleeping well at all this week, and on Monday night only got about three hours of sleep. So last night I picked up some Sleep-Aid from the pharmacy on my way home from work. I was originally going to force myself to stay up until 11pm before hitting the sack, but actually passed out on the couch at around 7:30pm and woke up around 10:30pm. I did a bit of work on the computer until 11:30pm, then popped a Sleep Aid for the win. I woke up at around 6:30am this morning feeling rather good actually. It’s nice to have a full sleep for a change. This weekend is easter (I think), and I’m heading home to spend some time with the family. My nephew’s birthday is on Saturday, so I’m going to stroll by and hang out with him for a while. Sounds like most people […]

Another Sleepless Sunday Night


Yes sports fans, it’s 3:46am and yours truly is still wide awake. I’ve been lying in bed since around midnight try to sleep, but it’s just not happening. I caved in and popped a sedative a few minutes ago. I think I have to cut myself off from doing anything on the computer on Sunday nights and just read or watch movies instead. Whenever I get involved in something on my blog or some coding I’ve been meaning to do, I just have a really hard time turning my brain off when it’s time to go to sleep. Maybe I need to lay off the caffeine for a bit as well. Who knows. Needless to say I’ll probably be a bit late getting into work tomorrow.

The Endless Spiral


Throughout my life, I have always had a hard time sleeping in the evenings. Although in the odd instance I can put my head on the pillow and wake up in the morning refreshed, most evenings I not only have trouble falling asleep, I have a hard time staying asleep. While I have gotten used to not sleeping very well (during the eight years I was in university staying up late and getting up early was a requirement), this week has been particularly difficult for some reason. On average I think I’ve had about three hours of sleep an evening, and I find myself running completely on fumes during the days. I’ve dropped my caffeine intake to try and counter it, but it’s not making much of a difference. Last night I took a mild sedative to try and help, but it was like throwing paper into the wind. Needless […]

Giving Up Caffeine


Well, the time has come for me to give up caffeine once again. Why you might ask? Because I’m way too addicted to it, and I know how completely shitty it is for the body. Here are some reasons why caffeine sucks: It disrupts REM sleep, making you feel tired in the morning It increases cortisol, making you feel stressed out It distrupts the body’s glucose system, increasing insulin levels by as much as 50% It makes weight loss difficult since the body can’t burn fat with high levels of insulin in the blood The problem with working in a high tech industry is that there’s free pop. So, instead of just grabbing a cup of water, I usually grab a diet coke. Which is just so wrong. Some time this morning, Clay came up to my desk and noticed the two diet coke cans I had on my desk. […]