Tag: lemonade Posts

Lemonade 2.0, Coming Soon


Last night while watching TV with my dad, I decided to slowly hack together the start of a new game for Facebook. Inspired recently by The Oregon Trail on there, I thought I’d put another good game from my youth up, namely Lemonade. There’s already one on Facebook that mimics the old version (although, it’s basically a wrapper for a website that already has it), but I have some ideas that will sort of bring the game into the modern age, including a mobile component. To be honest, the mathematics behind it all has proven rather interesting. I want the game to be challenging, without easy loopholes to win, and to that end I’ve spent a lot of time mulling over the math in my head. For example, having a weather forecast is fairly useless unless it mimics the approximate success rates of forecasts that we normally have. To that […]