Tag: Lunch Posts

A Typical Lunch


Last week I pointed out that I was down 11 lbs or so I believe, which is a fair distance along my goal of being quite a bit skinnier before I take off for South America. I still have three months, so I can still do a lot more damage to my fat cells before I leave. Last month I decided to take an engineering approach to things, so I went out and bought a digital scale. Weighing food is obviously kind of a pain in the ass, but I thought it would be a good spot check to make sure I was actually eating as much food as I thought I was. Surprisingly, I was actually underestimating some food by as much as 25%. So while I don’t weigh food all that often, it helps to do a sanity check once and a while. In conjunction with that, I […]

Sushi Lunch


I’m always amazed how little liquor some people can handle. Me, it’s pretty rare to get in a state where I feel like I’ve had too much.. But my pal Cisco — It doesn’t really take him a heck of a lot. We had some beer with lunch today, and here are the results. I think you can rent him out for parties too.