Tag: Notifications Posts

Quest For Noiselessness


I’ve been striving hard to reduce the amount of online “noise” in my life lately. Without setting any quantitative goals, I’ve been working relentlessly on removing distractions and trying to minimize interruptions. Normally when I wake up I have around 50 messages waiting for me in my inbox. Many of them are automated – comment notifications from WordPress, Google+ messages, Facebook, etc, but they are still things I need to deal with, even if it’s just to identify that they belong in the trash. Every email I receive and have to deal with probably notches my background stress level up slightly during the day. Without a doubt, on days where I don’t receive many emails or notifications, I tend to get a lot more done. A few months ago I wrote a script to start sorting some of my email on the server using IMAP. The benefit of this is […]

Being Respectful of People's Time


Today is a grumpy day for me. I haven’t had a good sleep for a few days, and woke up with snot dripping all over my face. That being said, I wanted to point something out on my site. I’ve been told that one of the most disrespectful things you can do in the corporate world is to add someone as a CC to an email. Basically once you’re on an email thread, you’re there to stay, whether you like it or not. Ever remove someone from a CC list? It happens I’m sure, but it’s not the norm. Ideally you’d ping someone on IM or some other back channel and ask a person before adding them to a CC list. “Hey Bob, does this matter interest you?” If it doesn’t interest them, there’s no reason to flood their inbox with a matter they couldn’t care less about. Every time […]