Tag: rss feeds Posts

Entry #28: Blogathon Update


Well, I imagine by now many of the early morning shift people are in full swing. It seems like so long ago I wrote my first entry, and here I am at number 28. It sure is getting difficult finding content on short notice, but I’m managing to stay ahead of the curve somehow. My Blogathon Setup Rebecca did a quick tally on her blog, and I think between all the participants we are up to around $500 so far. That number doesn’t include people who have gone directly to their charity’s website and donated directly, so ultimately the number will be a bit higher. In terms of people on this blog, we’ve raised about $210 $260 so far. My goal was to hit $1000, which may be unrealistic, but given that we still have another 20 entries to go, I’m hoping that number can still go up quite a […]