Tag: rss Posts

I've Got The RSS Feed Blues


I woke up this morning and had a few people email me saying that there were a bunch of duplicate entries in my RSS feed. I really have no idea why, but since I installed WordPress 2.7 RC1 last night, I suspect that it’s related to that. I might spend a bit of time trying to figure out why. More likely is that I do nothing though and simply let it work itself out naturally. I’ll scan the WordPress forums in a few minutes and see if anyone else is having this issue, otherwise I’ll spend a bit of time debugging. Thanks to everyone who emailed me to let me know that my website sucked. Much appreciated.

Entry #28: Blogathon Update


Well, I imagine by now many of the early morning shift people are in full swing. It seems like so long ago I wrote my first entry, and here I am at number 28. It sure is getting difficult finding content on short notice, but I’m managing to stay ahead of the curve somehow. My Blogathon Setup Rebecca did a quick tally on her blog, and I think between all the participants we are up to around $500 so far. That number doesn’t include people who have gone directly to their charity’s website and donated directly, so ultimately the number will be a bit higher. In terms of people on this blog, we’ve raised about $210 $260 so far. My goal was to hit $1000, which may be unrealistic, but given that we still have another 20 entries to go, I’m hoping that number can still go up quite a […]

Ode To Google Reader


I’ve been using Google Reader as my main RSS reader for some time. For the most part, I’m pretty happy with it. They’ve recently added the ability to share items, which makes it far more interesting. The one thing I’d love to see though is the ability to add local comments on those shared items, comments that only my friends could see. So many times I’ve read items in my friends’ shared feeds and really wanted to say something, or get clarification. Going to the real site and posting a comment sort of implies a certain level of knowledge on my part (especially if it’s a technical discussion). However, that barrier is much reduced when talking amongst my friends, and I really would love to see side-channel discussions on shared items. That’s my request for the day. So Google, you missed my birthday a few weeks ago, but you should […]

WordPress Media Burner Plugin


Tonight I had a few people over at my place to watch movies, drink some beer, and hack out a few techy type things. My little project for the evening was to try and media-ify my blog somehow. One of the ideas I was playing with was extracting all the media out of all my blog posts and having that in a separate player somewhere. There are other players for WordPress (based on the popular flash FLV player) that do something similar, except with those you have to manually input a playlist or set up a special directory. A snapshot of the media player The main benefit of the way I’ve done it is that it’s just business as usual for you, the blogger. The plugin will parse all your entries and pull out the media you normally include anyways. It generates a site-wide RSS feed all that media which […]

It's Time to Update Your RSS Feeds Again People


So tonight I was trying to figure out just how in the world I was going to go about merging multiple RSS feeds together. The end result I was trying to achieve was so my RSS feed on this site would actually have my entries from duanestorey.com as well as those from matthewgood.org. I sort of assumed that feedburner would do that for me, but it turns out you can’t combine your own RSS feeds using it. The solution? Yahoo Pipes. I had never heard of it, but after doing a quick search, I learned it’s the tool to use. And man oh man, is it cool. You can pick and choose different source elements, filters, operators and outputs, and make your own custom output, RSS or otherwise. Took me about 2 minutes to figure out how to merge two streams (using the Union Operator), and then output a sorted […]

TrollDigger Version 2?


About six months ago I got it into my head that I wanted to play around with RSS technology and see if I could come up with something cool with it. That eventually turned into a standalone RSS reader I wrote for the Mac called TrollDigger. The one feature everyone liked is the ability to view the actual pages instead of the RSS excerpts. I haven’t touched it since then, and the version that’s currently available for download is a bit clunky, but I was thinking about spending a few hours on it this weekend. To be honest, lately I’ve been thinking about a completely GUI-less RSS reader. I’d like to be able to subscribe to feeds, and simply get Growl notifications when new articles are available. There can be a little drop down in the status bar at the top of the screen that I can click to view […]

New RSS Feed


Recently I’ve written quite a lot about photography, and it’s a trend that I intend to carry on. So, I’ve gone ahead and created a new photography RSS feed over on the top right for those people who wish to only subscribe to photography related information. If you know of any photography-related aggregators, feel free to pass that information on. I have also added the photography subdomain, so you can view only the photography related entries by visiting photography.duanestorey.com. If you can pass some link love my way in the area of photography, that would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.

New RSS Feed


For those of you that primarily read this blog via my RSS feed, I’d appreciate it if you can update to my new feedburner one. I plan to add some flickr photos to the stream from time to time, as well some goodies from a few other sites. You can access the new link here. I’ll override the old one too at some point when I have time, but it helps if you do this manually for now. Thanks.