Tag: sleep Posts

Almost Vegas


Right now, in Las Vegas, is the huge Blog World Expo. Most of the Vancouver tech-scene is down there, including Rebecca, & Arieanna and Ianiv. Last night I decided to head down this morning and join them until Monday morning, since it looked like they were having such a great time. I actually found a pretty decent flight special late last night, and I booked it for this morning. Unfortunately, when 5am rolled around and I had to get up for the airport this morning, I didn’t really feel all that well. Plus, doing six hours worth of plane travel seemed less fun than it did the night before. So anyways, needless to say, I canceled my flight and went back to sleep, waking up shortly before noon. The good news is that I feel fairly rested today, and am sitting around in my boxers listening to music, making breakfast […]

When You Just Don't Feel Like Writing


I haven’t written on here in a few days now. That’s a long stretch for me. Truth is, I’m just kind of busy and a bit bagged. I haven’t been sleeping all that well lately, and feel like I’m a walking zombie. I was feeling pretty nauseous all yesterday, and didn’t really eat that much. I hardly slept at all last night and woke up feeling like I was going to throw-up, so I decided to work from home today and try to save what’s left of my body here. I decided a few weeks ago that I’m taking this weekend off. I don’t know what I’m going to end up doing, but I’m really hoping it doesn’t involve a computer. I’d like to actually go to gym for a change, or maybe a nice long rollerblade. I might take a drive up to Whistler, or just hang out at […]

Lots of Sleep


I ended up doing a bunch of work on Saturday night, and just hung out close to home. A quick twitter by me saying I was going to have a few casual drinks at my place led to Dave showing up for a few beers. After that, we went down to the Six Acres to meet up with Trevor, and then ultimately over to Matt’s house for a few quick drinks. When I got home that night, I realized just how tired I was. I passed out on the couch around 4am, and quite literally woke up sometime around 5pm last night. I got up here and there to answer my phone and check email, but I just couldn’t force my body to wake up. Last night I put a movie on, and then curled up on the couch with a blanket. About half way through the movie, I turned […]

Oh Sleep, How I Miss Thee


I’ve hardly slept at all this last week, and I feel like absolute garbage. I don’t know what my problem is, but I spend most nights just tossing and turning. They had a bunch of free liquor at work today and I could hardly bear the thought of drinking any of it because I was so bagged. I got home tonight and promptly passed out on the couch. Of course, given my stupid body, I woke up every 30 minutes or so, and didn’t really get any rest. I’ll be honest — the only time I’ve had a decent sleep in the last year is when I was pounding back Oxycontin tablets after my first surgery. It was the first time in ages I remember putting my head on the pillow and just falling into a deep sleep for more than a few hours at a time. To be honest, […]

Entry #34: Ok It's Official, I'm Tired


A big thanks to the following people who recently pledged support for the Union Gospel Mission Cullen Jennings Wow. To say I am completely exhausted at this point would be an understatement. I’ve essentially been awake since yesterday at 9am. That means I’ve been awake for around 30 hours now. Blogathon ends for me at 10pm tonight, which means I still have nearly eight hours left to go. I’m really not entirely sure how I’m going to make it, but hopefully I get my third or fourth wind soon. This Is Me When I’m Tired I’ve been listening to music rather loudly in my living room, hoping the aural stimulation will somehow keep me awake. Despite pounding back a full 2-litre of diet pepsi today, a coffee, and two energy drinks, I feel like I could just close my eyes and not wake up until tomorrow. I somehow managed to […]

Back From The States


I got back from Deception Pass early this afternoon, and I have to say, it was a really great trip. I spent most of the time there just sitting around the campfire reading, often taking a sip from a can of beer when my attention wandered from the pages. I took a little day trip on Saturday, driving back along the water towards Anecortes, and then south towards Oak Harbour. Driving along the open road with the windows open made me realize just how long it has been since I’ve gotten away for a weekend. Not only that, but it makes me extremely excited for the block of time off I’m taking in June. One of the things that always amazes me while camping is just how good of a sleep I can get. I’m an extremely light sleeper, and on a typical night here in Vancouver, would estimate that […]

Knock Out


I haven’t been sleeping well at all this week, and on Monday night only got about three hours of sleep. So last night I picked up some Sleep-Aid from the pharmacy on my way home from work. I was originally going to force myself to stay up until 11pm before hitting the sack, but actually passed out on the couch at around 7:30pm and woke up around 10:30pm. I did a bit of work on the computer until 11:30pm, then popped a Sleep Aid for the win. I woke up at around 6:30am this morning feeling rather good actually. It’s nice to have a full sleep for a change. This weekend is easter (I think), and I’m heading home to spend some time with the family. My nephew’s birthday is on Saturday, so I’m going to stroll by and hang out with him for a while. Sounds like most people […]

Another Sleepless Sunday Night


Yes sports fans, it’s 3:46am and yours truly is still wide awake. I’ve been lying in bed since around midnight try to sleep, but it’s just not happening. I caved in and popped a sedative a few minutes ago. I think I have to cut myself off from doing anything on the computer on Sunday nights and just read or watch movies instead. Whenever I get involved in something on my blog or some coding I’ve been meaning to do, I just have a really hard time turning my brain off when it’s time to go to sleep. Maybe I need to lay off the caffeine for a bit as well. Who knows. Needless to say I’ll probably be a bit late getting into work tomorrow.

The Endless Spiral


Throughout my life, I have always had a hard time sleeping in the evenings. Although in the odd instance I can put my head on the pillow and wake up in the morning refreshed, most evenings I not only have trouble falling asleep, I have a hard time staying asleep. While I have gotten used to not sleeping very well (during the eight years I was in university staying up late and getting up early was a requirement), this week has been particularly difficult for some reason. On average I think I’ve had about three hours of sleep an evening, and I find myself running completely on fumes during the days. I’ve dropped my caffeine intake to try and counter it, but it’s not making much of a difference. Last night I took a mild sedative to try and help, but it was like throwing paper into the wind. Needless […]



Sorry for the lack of entries around here. I’ve been meaning to write something, but whenever I find a few minutes worth of time, nothing really comes to mind. First, I’m on day three of new antibiotics. Good news is that I feel a lot better again, which is a big relief and a really good sign in terms of outcome. Unfortunately, because the dosage is a bit larger, I’m finding that some of the side effects, namely headaches, are a bit worse as well. Also, I find myself extremely tired. The last few nights I’ve come home with the intention on lying down for a few minutes, only to take up hours later. After eating a few slices of pizza tonight, I passed right out, waking up nearly three hours later on the couch again. I’ve never been one to have a good night’s sleep, and have sort of […]