Tag: Youth Posts

The English Mosquito


There is a relatively new device called “The English Mosquito” which is being used in England to control where young people typically gather. The device works by emitting high-frequency sounds that only young people (typically younger than 20 years of age) have the ability to hear. Because it’s fairly annoying, it causes young people to eventually leave a particular area. Human right’s groups are obviously unimpressed with the blanket use of the devices: Aynsley-Green said about 3,500 of the devices are in use across England to split up gatherings of youth in areas such as parks and shops. “These devices are indiscriminate and target all children and young people, including babies, regardless of whether they are behaving or misbehaving,” he added. Apparently some people feel that having young people gather in a place like a park is a huge problem. I mean, it’s quite possible they might pull out a […]